Day 7 — Brice Maiurro: Bob Dylan at the Grocery Store in the Time of Corona

I guess I don’t really know how to tell if an avocado is ripe. I mean, some of them I can clearly see don’t look good to eat but do I want it a little bit squishy? Is that what I’m looking for in an avocado? I guess I should make guacamole more.

It’s so empty in here. It’s kinda crazy if you start to think about it. This grocery store is built for, like, a certain amount of people to be in it but without them it just starts looking like some kind of ghost town. Never really thought about how we build our spaces for them to be filled, you know?

I probably should be doing some kind of vegetable delivery service or going to some mom and pop shop grocery shop but honestly I kind of felt like I needed to see this. Like I needed to get out here and just be on the ground, be grounded.

These times are crazy. And man, this has been a weird trip to the grocery store already. I just saw a woman look at me, think that’s Bob Dylan probably, and then go on shopping knowing she’s gotta keep six feet away from me with the threat of the Corona and stuff. It’s like we’re lifted out of it, it feels like. Like we were in this thick mud of some kinda established life and now we’re just on layaway. Lifted out of it, you know? It’s a kind of purgatory.

There’s a part of me that thinks we’re not in purgatory, maybe the more logical part of me or something, but I guess what if we are? What if the biblical purgatory is more a reflection on times like this than times like this are on the bible? I guess that leaves us all kinda considering the heaven or hell that we’re creating.

I was hoping to get some olive oil but it’s looking like all they’ve got are these big military-sized jugs left.

It’s a weird thing, you know. It’s a thing that we’re all just kind of living through and we’re captive to it and there’s the good stuff and the silence and the space and the reflecting but then there’s the dying and the hurting and the inability to really see all of it. It’s got me feeling like, how do we know how to be when we can’t even properly see each other?

It’s raining now. Of course it’s raining.

©2020 by Brice Maiurro. All rights reserved.

Day 7 — Amy Driesler: My Dog

Day 7 — TC McCracken: Zizzzzzzzz … says Mom