Day 7 — Amy Driesler: My Dog

My dog thinks he’s smarter than me. I know most pets probably think they are smarter than us, but my guy does without a doubt. His brain is full of schemes, schemes to get treats. We had walked up to the pet store, his favorite place because they gave him treats. They give treats to all the dogs, but my guy will not leave until every employee has given him a treat. They indulge him because he’s an old man. Sentimental fools. Sometimes I have to pick him up and carry him out of the store and this was one of those days—he had made the round of all the employees and was starting to make a second round so I picked him up and carried him outside. He wasn’t happy. Now, we should go to the left to go home, but this day he went to the right, which he’s never done before, so I thought, sure we’ll go home the long way. Right next to the pet store is a parking lot, my dog starts to walk me casually in a circle in this parking lot. What’s he up to? When we had completed our circle in the parking lot, he makes a run back towards the pet store, and then I realized what he was trying to do: disorient me. My dog was literally trying to spin me in a circle, like on the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party ride, so that I wouldn’t know which direction we were heading so he could lead us back to the pet store for more treats. The little shit.  But maybe he is smarter than me because I gave him a treat for his cunning. 

Who is more foolish? The fool or the fool who follows him? –Obi-Wan Kenobi

©2020 by Amy Driesler. All rights reserved.

Day 7: Saladin Thomas: The Good Humor Man Can Only Be Pushed So Far

Day 7 — Brice Maiurro: Bob Dylan at the Grocery Store in the Time of Corona