Day 9 — Amy Driesler: Sliver of Silver

It’s hard to see the silver lining, right, especially when it’s the tiniest sliver of silver. I like the sound of that, sliver of silver. Maybe the sliver of silver in all of this is that though physically isolated we are connecting more than ever. It’s funny because we’ve had the ability all along: virtual happy hours, check on your elderly neighbor and so on, but we are so inwardly focused that it takes this to turn us outward. I know we all think of others in our normal lives, but don’t you find yourself checking-in with friends more regularly now? Maybe it’s just that we all have more time on our hands. Maybe that is really what has changed, not our desire to connect and check-in, but our bandwidth. So maybe that is actually the sliver of silver: in April we will be paid in time. Our time is valuable, more valuable than any of our hourly rates. We are always weighing those two things, right? Time and money — sometimes we choose time and sometimes money. Right now, the choice is made for us — time. Hmm… I bet my friends with kids wouldn’t agree. Bet they don’t have more time. And time doesn’t pay the rent or the mortgage or the Con-Ed bill. Okay maybe that isn’t the sliver of silver and it’s probably wrong of me to look for only one sliver or silver. Maybe there are 7.8 billion or even more. Maybe some will only find one while others will find none or two or more. I’ll keep looking. And you, too.

©2020 by Amy Driesler. All rights reserved.

Day 9 — Saladin Thomas: Denver Apartments / Haunted Parentheticals

Day 9 — Shelsea Ochoa: California