Day 7 — Kat Atwell: Dear Diary


I was bored and thought I should write tonight, so here I am. Surprise! I know it’s been forever. I wanted to catch you up. But when I say you, I really mean me. It’s my journal. Words are weird. HA. I don’t want to do my geometry homework.

I belong to a Baptist youth group called The Cause. I’m not Baptist, but in Stevensburg, how popular you are is in large part determined by which denomination you choose to run with. And you HAVE to pick one. Also, Nathan is really Baptist who is totally into Jesus, and he’s super hot. Nathan, that is. Although, I suppose if you looked at one of the Jesus pictures where he appears more peaceful than in agonizing pain, he could be considered kind of cute, too.

Oh my gosh. I can’t believe I just wrote that!

Anyway, It’s winter, and I’ve gone to enough Wednesday night youth events for my parents to believe I’m 100% down with G-O-D (yeah, you know me!). At dinner tonight I asked them. They agreed to let me join The Cause volleyball team! I can’t believe it! Before they had a chance to change their minds, I had them sign the necessary forms, and then, well, then I wanted to take them to church right away, but Mom said it wasn’t that important.


She didn’t want to drive unnecessarily into town and I still don’t have my driver’s license. So,.that sucked. Instead, I put them in a neon pink folder that on the outside I’d written “DO NOT LOSE. VERY IMPORTANT.” And it’s been three hours, and I haven’t lost them yet. High five, me!

I sound like such a dork. Oh well, this is my journal.

Holy crap. How have I gone this long without describing Nathan? He’s so cool. He has the lightest blonde hair with these shaggy bangs that kinda flop over one eyebrow. It looks so soft. And his eyes. Oh my gosh. His eyes are this crazy blue. Like, cerulean. That’s the kind of blue. When there are pictures of Greece with the oceans around the islands? That color. He has the lightest sprinkling of freckles on his nose, too, and the best smile. He plays soccer and volleyball. And he’s so nice to everyone. 

Why do we say freckles are sprinkled? That’s weird. Anywho.

He wears Umbros all the time. I only have one pair of Umbros. Mom says they’re too expensive and also I don’t play any school sports, but whatever. We found this yellow pair on sale and she let me get them, so it’s cool. There was one time we were in the gym on a Wednesday night fooling around with balls. It was Cause night. Pastor Ben said we should try volleyball. 

I managed to get picked for Nathan’s team that time. SO LUCKY. I kinda knew how to do a side arm serve, and he noticed me that night. I tried to act cool about it. 

I nodded and said, “Yeah, well, you know. I like to serve. Oh, hey! Cool Umbros.” And then I served it.

He smiled and jogged into the next position, since the volleyball flew out of bounds.

Did you hear that, Journal? HE SMILED AT ME. 

I’m totally in like. I can’t say for sure if I’m in love yet, because that’s serious like whoa, but if I find out he likes me, too, well, then who’s to say where it will go! I hope he does. Like me, that is. I’ve been trying the whole praying thing for about a month now and it hasn’t happened yet. But, Pastor Ben said Jesus grants prayers to the faithful.

I also have been practicing frenching my bedpost forever, so I’ll be ready when it happens. 

But I don’t really believe in Jesus. Maybe God doesn’t know that in my prayers. I don’t think Pastor Ben knows. Oh well. 


©2020 by Kat Atwell. All rights reserved.

Day 7 — Shelsea Ochoa: En Los Angeles, Todo Es Posible

Day 7 — Leila Ghaznavi: The New Kid