Day 6 — David Leicht: I Wonder What My Dog Named Me

The alarm rang.

Rusty’s eyes bolted open. He felt tired, the weight of the world bearing down on him both at home and on the job and everywhere on a daily basis had taken its toll.

He thought of that sign at the local church last week that said ‘Staying in bed shouting ‘Oh God! Does not constitute going to church’  He had to stop sniveling and get the hell up. 

He hopped out of bed with a sense of purpose, but then checked himself.

‘Easy there, boy. Don’t lose your edge — that’s how they get you!’

With caution now he crept quietly over to the window and slowly lifted the shade a few inches to peek outside. He couldn’t see any of ‘em right now, but they could be hiding anywhere, those yellow monstrosities. 

They seemed so cute at first when they showed up in town. Little chubby yellow guys with pointy ears and red, rosy cheeks. The kids called ‘em ‘Pokeys’ or something like that. (I guess cause they were so cute you just wanted to poke ‘em? Like the Pillsbury Dough Boy?) Yeah, they were real cute alright, until one of ‘em grew real big and bit little Suzy’s head clean off that day with its razor sharp teeth. That was the beginning.

We don’t trust anyone now. We can’t. It’s a simple matter of survival. Not even our sweet little poochy. Borrowed a neighbor’s old kiddie playpen, extended the top out with some pipes and barbed wire and electrical fencing, and put him in there. Because You Never Know

The Cute have taken ours before, and they may again at any time. We can’t take any chances.

My wife and I have been doing our part. Just staying the hell home until this all hopefully blows over. Trying to make ourselves useful. Keep ourselves occupied. 

My wife’s more crafty, so she’s been making cup holders for the local Starbucks for the medical workers’ free coffees that they’ve been giving out.

I told her cup holders are just cup cups, but, it doesn’t matter. Whatever occupies her mind and spirit, that’s ok. Just like that colorful display of cupcakes she made to resemble the periodic table to share on the Facebook to show solidarity and support for the scientists trying to figure out a weapon to use against these Pokey Men was ok.

I myself am working on another set of stakes for the bastards. I grabbed some pickets for the fence I was going to make this spring. I hung them upside down and attached them to a wooden board to represent those little phone number slips one would grab under a ‘apartment for rent’ sign on a street pole. ‘In case of Pokey Men, snap here.’

Thought it might help.

We all do out part.

Stay strong, everybody.

©2020 by David Leicht. All rights reserved.

Day 6 — Nick Trotter: Anxiety vortex (Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end)

Day 6 — Jessie Hanson: The Tree Seasons