Day 5 — David Leicht: Man Opens His Mouth For First Time In Months. What He Said Next Brought Everyone in the Room To Tears...

Ok, I’m doing this. An ExPeRiMeNT. Not gonna lie I’m tired AF and I haven’t been sleeping because I’ve been forced to explore like 100 new avenues in a very short time under really stressful circumstances and I don’t want to even be talking to you or anyone else right now which I know is not very endearing but I’m half asleep and.....

It’s all catching up to me, although I’m almost getting used to it and I’m still alive and so are you (an assumption-but the most probable scenario).

Anyways this may be a throwaway, a WASTE OF ONE OF MY PRECIOUS WISHES! which are very finite, I know. But I’m falling asleep and I’ve got a bunch of things both serious— (seriously)—and trivial (but helpful and necessary to my mental health) that I’ve been neglecting and that are all demanding my attention simultaneously, and even though I just dissed all of you possibly it’s just how it’s going right now. 

I respect the hell out of you and appreciate you clicking on this click bait titled chum box because even though I’m a freaking mess right now I want someone to listen. (Or you’re here to Hear so I feel like.....I feel like I owe you, you know?)

Sorry, I had to pause because my phone reminder app just went off TO REMIND ME TO WRITE THIS. (Which makes me kind of proud, actually, because I’M ON IT-I’M SO FREAKING ON IT, HA HA!)


Bleary eyed. Been out d94 at least an hour. Still wearing heavy shirt.


Sleep..... will mess up my Streaks! (I don’t want to let the team down.....

I’m not being cute either it’s really warm must check to turn heat down....must....stand....

Thanks for following....I’m with you

I’m with you in spirit. I can feel you all there tapping away out there fighting the good fight.

I’m essential. I will not let you down...

Inspiration is



I will not let you...



I’m back. I was down for a bit. 

You’re just going to have to trust me on this one. 

This is truth-not artifice.

I needed to take some space, but you still matter to me 

So I’m back.

I wanted to quit

I have a lot of valid excuses

(And some lame ones)


I don’t even know most of you

Never seen your faces

Or heard you laugh.

I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt.

There’s always hope.

Maybe someday we’ll get together in person

And have coffee

Go for a hike 

Watch the sunset

Tell jokes

I live in some tiny place 

Many people don’t even know where it is

I go long periods without being heard from

But please never forget 

I’m here

And you’re there

You beautiful, beautiful people

You’re there

Thank god you’re there

©2020 by David Leicht. All rights reserved.

Day 5 — Shelsea Ochoa: Mandatory Grieving Period

Day 5 — Kat Atwell: World Peace