Day 4 — Leila Ghaznavi: The Legend

A delicate wisp of scent danced in the air, pirouetting through the lurking aromas of pine needles and fallen leaves to land gracefully on the senses of the slumbering giant. With a snort and a shudder, the giant slowly cracked one blue eye open. His massive lungs inhaling sharply to gorge themselves on that beguiling scent. Unknown yet so tantalizingly sweet, that scent lured the giant from his hidden cave, down the mountain side, to the valley below. His thudding footsteps shook the tenderling trees as he passed causing animals to burrow into their hidden dens, trembling themselves as the world shook around them. 

On and on the giant traveled, ever lured by that teasing scent that leapt through the air just in front him, beguiling him ever onward until the soaking cold of a crashing waved lapped at the giant’s legs, shocking him from his trance. And there in the waves, herself dancing and spinning, was the goddess Nanshe, cloaked in the froth of the seas. With a laugh of delight she rose and fell again and again, spraying gusts of salty ocean mist into the air that twirled away, caught up in the arms of the wind.

With a yearning hand the giant reached out to the dancing goddess but just before his fingers could touch her luminescent form she abruptly halted her dance to stare at the giant, hovering just out of reach, the waves continuing to her caress her legs and thighs, entreating her to play with them once more. Beckoning sweetly she called the giant to her, luring him deeper into the ocean. Entreating this creature of earth and sand into her world of waves and water. Step by step the giant walked further into the sea, the water rising with each step to his knees, then waist, and chest, and just before he sunk below the waves the goddess enfolded him in her arms and kissed him. From that kiss sprung the islands, transforming the giant into this land we call home. And to this day the goddess Nanshe dances around our island home, luring us to join her in the waves …

©2020 by Leila Ghaznavi. All rights reserved.

Day 4 — Kat Atwell: Crrrrrrrrrrrunch.

Day 4 — Saladin Thomas: Magic Mountain